
AIPCTSHOP Provides 100% satisfaction guaranteed

If your order is damaged in transaction, doesn’t show up, or partially received, we shall dispatch you a new package.

Average normal Shipping time through EMS is 15-22 Days , Please (Delivery may take 30 days from the date of Dispatch, due to if any disruption in postal services due to weather issue or natural disaster etc..).  During Covid mail can take up to 40 days as well please understand post covid world wide situation on shipping times so please currently allow up to 40 days.

If you have not received the package or you received any notification from shipper that your package was on hold, delay or return the sender, we strongly suggest you to please inform us on and we shall resolve the all shipping relating problems on priority.  Please note if it was returned to sender due to you moving addresses, using the wrong ship to zip code address or similar that would void the free reship; however we would reship if you pay for shipping charges if the package does get returned to us.

Reships are sent to the original shipping address no exceptions.  Reshipping to alternate addresses can be discussed if you pay the shipping charges.

Note: if is there any question/queries regarding your order, contact us by email at

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